Techie not Treckie!
/My time in high school
Attended high school in the
Overall high school experience
9/10. Had many friends, but was too worried about making money, so didn't really get to do much with classmates, but I feel I had great high school memories!
Grades in high school
A's and B's. School work was relatively easy for me! The b's were in classes I did not enjoy.
Best subjects
Computer Science / Engineering / Technical, History / Social Studies, Physical Education
Struggled with...
Math. Although I did well and would get correct answers on the tests and papers, because I did not show my work or the theorems, the instructor did not award an "A". Long story!
Favorite extracurricular
Life since high school
Attended college / university at
Attended DeAnza College but was drafted due to not getting a class one semester, so became eligible for draft due to not carrying a full load.
Post-graduate education or training
Continued taking Computer Technology courses throughout my military career!
Places lived in US
California, Delaware, Indiana, Kansas, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, Texas, Virginia
Places lived outside the US
Yes while in military: Korea, Japan, & Germany.
Current occupations / past occupations
Patient Transporter.
Orderly. Medic.
Business Manager.
Computer Operator/Programer.
Postal Clerk.
Purchasing Agent.
Technical Analyst.
Computer Contractor.
Sunday School Teacher.
Youth Pastor.
Church Deacon.
Church Elder.
Industries I've worked in
- Transportation and Warehousing
- Finance and Insurance
- Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services (e.g. Law, Accounting, Interior Design, Graphic Design, R&D, PR, Advertising, etc.)
- Management of Companies and Enterprises
- Administrative and Support Services
- Educational Services
- Health Care and Social Assistance
- Public Administration (e.g. Government, Police, Judicial, etc.)
- Nonprofit
Did your education prepare you for your career or occupation?
Yes. Have worked off & on in computer industry since 1965.
Has your education or career/occupation trajectory ever changed? How?
A little introspection...
To me, being successful means...
Making enough money to live comfortably and have a little left over. Having a career where I'm enjoying what I'm doing, but also having a great family life.
My definition of success has not changed over time.
My greatest accomplishment to date and what I’ve learned from it
Served in the military, and was able to retire from the computer industry before my full retirement age. If you plan carefully, you can accomplish your goals and enjoy your life/retirement.
My biggest mistake or regret so far and what I’ve learned from it
I regret moving from the San Francisco Bay Area and selling my home. Life is not always greener somewhere else!
An unexpected event that changed my life and how it impacted me
Got drafted into Army. Saw how truly poor people lived in other countries, but they were very happy with what they had.
My favorite spot in or around Palo Alto
Yacht Harbor or Stanford Campus.
[map pointing to Yacht Harbor, now closed]