UCLA, Innovation Specialist, Writer and Entertainment Consultant, CA

To me, being successful means...
Freedom to realize potential, realize potential, follow the desires of your hear.

My definition of success has changed over time. 
Earlier in life it was attached to monetary / professional wins.

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Not afraid to take risks, Writer Builds Career on Mission and Love

To me, being successful means...
Living an authentic life where I can be myself, am appreciated for what I can contribute and where I can love and be loved.

My definition of success has changed over time. 
I was concerned about how my career would afford me a certain lifestyle, based on how I was raised in affluent Palo Alto. Now I focus on how I can contribute to a mission I care deeply about and work-life balance.

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Hoping my journey to be a part of change has mattered

To me, being successful means...
Getting to a place in your life when you offer advice and opinions without looking around the room for confirmation that you gave the right answer.

My definition of success has changed over time. 
Not about money or position but about a confidence that you know you are now the grown up in the room.

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Purposeful, Playful, Passionate

To me, being successful means...
never giving up on oneself and learning lessons from failures as much or more than accomplishments

My definition of success has changed over time. 
As a young person/adult, I thought success was measured by achievements and milestones (eg. getting a degree, securing a job, owning property, getting married, and having children). Life taught me it's not about the what that made my life fulfilling, but the who and why. The relationships and personal connections (fleeting as well as enduring) that I made helped shaped the way I viewed as well as moved in the world. Learning to savor and value the experience of my journey than impatiently focused on reaching my destination.

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My time in high school

Attended high school in the

Overall high school experience

Grades in high school
A's and B's


Favorite subjects
English, History / Social Studies, Physical Education

Struggled with...
Math. I'm just not a natural at it. 

Favorite extracurricular
Sports / Recreation

Life since high school

The broader definition of success has not changed for me, but what has changed is my awareness that there are many different paths to success.

Attended college / university at
Brown accelerated Program in Medicine

Post-graduate education or training
Med school, internship/residency 

Places lived in US
California, Maryland, New York, Oregon, Rhode Island

Current occupations / past occupations

Industries I've worked in
Health Care and Social Assistance 

A little introspection...

To me, being successful means...
finding fulfillment in my work, family, and relationships. I don't believe it's a static goal, but one that requires fine-tuning throughout one's life.

My definition of success has and has not changed over time. 
Yes and no. The broader definition of success has not changed for me, but what has changed is my awareness that there are many different paths to success. 

Anything else that you'd like to share that we didn't ask? 
I'm in the unique position of being able to see my children attend the same PA schools I did. Their world is so different than mine was, and I feel so sorry for today's youth as they struggle to find their place in this increasingly competitive world. This is what I would like to tell them: Where you go to college does not determine your future. If you do go to college, try to find a place that speaks to you rather than going for the big names. Be open to detours along the way (transferring schools, taking a gap year, traveling abroad). Realize that no matter whether or where you pursue your education, as long as you work hard, apply yourself, find your passions and pursue them, you will eventually find your place. Don't get discouraged and don't compare yourself to others.

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In order to protect anonymity, we will pass along your message and they can choose whether to respond.

My favorite spot in or around Palo Alto

The old Tower Records/Swenson's Ice Cream shopping center


Mother of Sparkle Hunter and Glitter Girl

To me, being successful means...
Having healthy relationships with my family, my community, a God of my own understanding and myself.

My definition of success has changed over time. 
I used to think my career and hobbies were the most important. Then I realized my idea of success was based on self glorification.

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Believe in Yourself and Be Optimistic. Speak Up!

To me, being successful means...
Being happy and content and enjoying life, living it to its fullest. Being able to relax if just for a moment and reflect on what I have, small or large, and feeling good about the choices I've made. It's about being grateful and being successful in LIFE, not necessarily a career. And life, to me, is not work. 

My definition of success has not changed over time. 
I assume that when I was younger (child/teen) I thought money meant success but I don't clearly recall any feelings one way or the other. It was hard to get away from seeing the wealth in Palo Alto and seeing what we did "not have" relative to others, in terms of material objects. My family and my friends' families were not rich and we lived in a neighborhood where grand homes, careers and money weren't flaunted and weren't a driving force. We didn't have as much as others but that was OK. My mom and dad did not espouse the idea that money equals success so in turn I was not raised to believe this. I am grateful for that and recognize the gift of growing up in PA and being comfortable and safe, while at the same time recognize that we were in a bubble and our perspectives are skewed because of that.

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Nonprofit advocate who loves to travel

To me, being successful means...
doing something that you love to do. It shouldn't necessarily be about the money; of course, that does help.

My definition of success has not changed over time. 

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How did I get here?

To me, being successful means...
being able to enjoy your life where you currently are, and reflect on how your previous "lives" made you the person you are today

My definition of success has changed over time. 
It changed from "I've always wanted to work at this company." to "I want a job which utilizes all my job skills" to "A balance between family time and work time."

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UC Davis, Marketing in Tech, California

To me, being successful means...
Living comfortably, having good health and enjoying my time with family and friends.

My definition of success has changed over time. 
Health... something you take for granted when you're 20, but not when you're more than twice that age. 

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From Theodore Roosevelt - Comparison is the thief of joy.

To me, being successful means...
I have not achieved these yet, but its what I picture. Relying as little on material wealth as possible. Having a few close friends, not many virtual friends. Feeling like a part of a community.

My definition of success has changed over time. 
Ive come to accept that the ingredients for success do not follow a formula (i.e. college, marriage, children, owning a home etc.)

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Mother, wife, caregiver and joyful member of the Universe

To me, being successful means...
Finding joy each day in something: be it an action I perform, an interaction with family, friends, colleagues, an experience in nature or a story I hear. Joy is a deep happiness that comes from within which is what makes life meaningful and keeps me grounded despite external conditions. Being happy with what I have, where I am in life and career. I do not base my success on comparisons with others. 

My definition of success has changed over time. 
I now know that success is internal. It is not defined by my outward conditions and materialistic trappings but who I am as a person and a member of society. Success is my own view of fulfilling the destiny life has laid out for me by being true to my beliefs. 

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Enjoy the present, the little things matter.

To me, being successful means...
Enjoying the little moments in life and appreciating what I have.

My definition of success has changed over time. 
When I was younger, success always meant how much money one makes, or what title one has, and what materials one owns. Now that I am in my 40s, materials don't mean a thing, waste of money actually. Title and money mean nothing if you don't have a time to enjoy life.

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Everyone is Working on Something.

To me, being successful means...
Success is not related to money, nor is it about how many possessions you have or what you look like on the outside. Perhaps love is involved, but not necessarily love for a life partner, but more love of self and love for life. Success means you are making a positive difference for other human beings. Success is not selfish. Success is being able to find happiness in things such as the outdoors, art, friends, family, books, walking, running, etc. Success is working on something and accomplishing a goal, no matter how simple or small.

My definition of success has not changed over time. 

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No better major than theatre to prepare for anything

To me, being successful means...
Like the old Spanish saying goes: "Salud, amor, y dinero… y tiempo para disfrutarlos!" ("Health, love and money… and time to enjoy them!")

My definition of success has not changed over time. 

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Living - and redefining - your own dream

To me, being successful means...
doing work that is meaningful and having a caring family and circle of friends

My definition of success has changed over time. 
My definition of success was to have EVERY element I dreamed of. I now understand there are sacrifices and compromises. There is going to be some suffering along the way, but that doesn't mean you did something wrong.

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