To me, being successful means...
...that I'm comfortable in my own skin and don't need to adhere to my parents' or family members' definition of what is successful. It's not all about money, career, or status; it's about what's interesting or comfortable to me on the timeline that I choose.
My definition of success has changed over time.
In high school I was taught (by my parents) that money and status are the key to happiness. You're successful? Then you have a big house (that you own) and drive a BMW/Audi/Tesla/etc. to show others that you are important. It was about where you went to school, what your degree is, what your job title is, whether or not your parents stayed together, and making sure that everyone around you knew all of those things. Because of that, I currently rarely "talk shop." I hate it. I don't want to be defined by where I went to school, what my major was, or what my job title is. Success to me is being able to build friendships, sustain jobs (no matter the title), have interests outside of work (whatever they may be), etc., so that you aren't limited to being defined by any one thing.
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