
My time in high school

Attended high school in the

Overall high school experience
6/10. I was tall and skinny, a target for the jock/bullies. Was also adhd (one of the first generation of Ritalin kids), when puberty hit and the drugs didn't work anymore, I had a difficult time in class. I was considered bright, but couldn't concentrate for very long. Would act "inappropriately" and seldom studied.

Grades in high school
B's and C's


Best subjects
English, Physical Education

Struggled with...
Math. I was in the original study group for "new math" SMSG, starting in grade 6. I couldn't remember all the formulas and soon lost interest because I didn't excel to my personal expectations. As part of the study group, I was passed along to the next level every year and ended up being at the wrong end of the bell curve.

Favorite extracurricular
Girls, cars, goofing off with my pals

Life since high school

I was tall and skinny, a target for the jock/bullies. Was also adhd (one of the first generation of Ritalin kids), when puberty hit and the drugs didn’t work anymore, I had a difficult time in class.

Attended college / university at
attended Foothill and DeAnza college. AA degree in Liberal Arts. One semester at San Jose State, night classes. Dropped out when my marriage failed.

Places lived in US

Current occupations / past occupations
45 years in Microwave Industry as a lab technician. 10 years as promoter for off road motorcycle races. Now retired.

Industries I've worked in
- Manufacturing
- Arts, Entertainment, and Recreation
- Accommodation and Food Services
Other: USPS, Bowling Alley maintenance/mechanic, Tour host.

Did your education prepare you for your career or occupation?

Has your education or career/occupation trajectory ever changed? How?
Only very recently. Company I thought to retire from abruptly moved across the country. Operated an intimate tour company on the Monterey Bay for several years, then retired.

A little introspection...

To me, being successful means...
being happy with who you are

My definition of success has changed over time. 
not so inclined to look at the paycheck as a definition for personal success

My greatest accomplishment to date and what I’ve learned from it
Learning the answer to #1 [To me, being successful means...]

My biggest mistake or regret so far and what I’ve learned from it
Getting married at the age of 20. Learned quickly that lust and love were two entirely different animals. 

Anything else you'd like to share?
I really miss "my" Palo Alto. Now it's just "too". Too expensive, too driven by money, too overdeveloped, too much traffic, too little feeling of community.

My favorite spot in or around Palo Alto

Foothill Park