To me, being successful means...
Being self aware and kind to those around you and yourself. Do the best you can do in each phase of your life. Understand that you will make mistakes--everyone does--and somehow, it all works out right eventually.
My definition of success has changed over time.
When I was a [high school name omitted] student, I thought that grades, getting into a great school, having a lot of friends and an active social life was success. Then after I graduated from a great university and earned my law degree, I thought success meant landing a lucrative position in a prestigious law firm and making a lot of money. Now, I think that success means to be the best "you." It may sound like a cliche, but each person is unique and valuable and there is no one else like you. Know this and embrace this. Don't be afraid to be yourself. Don't be so preoccupied about what people think about you. It's none of your business. Only care about what you think of yourself. Life your life and treat people in such a way that you can respect yourself without regrets.
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