anonymous artist
/To me, being successful means...
The way I measure my own success is in how much I am learning, how much I am creating, and how mindful I am of others and my environment.
My definition of success has changed over time.
I used to care so much about what others thought of me... I've always been an anxious person and a people-pleaser. I used to feel validated when someone would compliment me on my achievements, and I think that the amount of praise I received became my metric of success. Now, though, it's much different. Compliments are appreciated, but they are not things that I cling to so tightly and I certainly don't let them define me. I don't define success as one thing, but rather how in balance my life is as a whole: am I being generous enough to others? to myself? am I learning and growing and exploring? am I throwing myself wholeheartedly into my art? These are the things I care about now, and this is how I define how "successful" I am.